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郊山小陶怪冬令營 | Children's Winter Camp
今年冬天, 郊山友台Cloud Forest Collective 雲森陶陶工作室 與 走探索去藝術實驗室Milla de Art Laboratory的Milla老師合作,在陽明山上的小基地裡為孩子們打造一個山林夢境,在這裡可以放膽創造、盡情舞動,深入認識自己與環境。在這三天的冬令營課程中,培養孩子的環境感知,從大自然裡擷取靈感,再以陶藝創作留住孩子的奇想。透過 陶瓷工藝、肢體探索、山林環境、食農文化 四種領域,釋放孩子的好奇與想像,化身為一個自由的小陶怪,放心成為山的好朋友吧!
In children's world of Fantasy, what will they do to have fun and be friends with the mysterious creatures in the mountain? Will they feel the moisture of moss with a pair of big feet? Do they have a sensitive nose to find winter food or a tentacle that can talk to the big trees and mountains?
This winter, Cloud Forest Ceramics, 27M, and Milla de Art Laboratory are ready to create a dream in the mountain for all the children. They can create freely, dance to their heart's content, and get to know themselves and the environment around them deeply at Cloud Forest. During the three-day winter camp, children will not only learn to respect the environment, but also extract inspirations from nature, and create their own ceramic artworks out of their pure curiosity and instinct.
The Winter camp includes four main categories, Ceramic Arts, Body Exploration, Mountain and environment Exploration, and Local Food Culture. We invite our children to liberate their imagination, curiosity, and to turn into a free little monster and just simply have fun at Yang Ming Mountain.
🌳Date & Time | 時間:
2/4 (Tue.) - 2/6 (Thu.) 9:00 - 16:30 (3 days)
2/22(Sat.) 14:00-17:00
🌳Fee | 費用:
Fees include course faculty, venues, clay materials, art tools, ingredients, glaze firing, insurance, snacks, and lunch.
→ 三天課程( Three-days courses):NT$8,800
🌳Location | 地點:
Cloud Forest Ceramics 雲森陶陶工作室
27M 郊山友台
✅更多課程資訊請看|For more information or to sign up click the link:

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